Friday, September 26, 2003

Not feeling well

I'd expected to be out at the Unisfa 25th thing tonight (in spite of never actually having been a member - but Andrew is so that would be close enough) however wednesday I was very tired, Thursday I was even more so, to the extent that midway through thursday afternoon I felt too tired to function and the nice people at the medical centre lent me a bed to lie down on for a few hours. However being tired does not equate to sleeping well, I had an extremely unsatisfactory night when it came to sleep and stayed off work today. I did manage to get up the energy to shop for some essentials I was out of and to get some fast food because I didn't have the energy to cook. Decided that even if I got up the energy to go to the unisfa thing I'd not be very good company. Hope those that go have fun though. With another earlyish night I hope to have enough energy to make it up the hill tomorrow, and maybe even get to my scottish gaelic lesson.

Simon's meanderings about the UK countryside has made me consider how little of it I've actually seen, in spite of having grown up there. Leaving before you're independently mobile (I was 14) did tend to crimp my travelling, but I do have some significant memories. Wookey hole is a nifty little cave system and I'm sure Simon will like it when he stops by (I'm sure he will, if only because of the Dr Who episodes filmed there). I'm not sure where I lost my hanging witch from there. *sigh*.

Another memory is of swimming in an outdoor pool at North Berwick, in autumn. 'Cold' does not even begin to describe it. I can't remember why on earth we went in originally. The pool was theoretically heated, which meant that if you hovered near the 'hot water' outlets your lips didn't quite turn blue.


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