Yet another cold.
I know it's winter, but do I have to have these blasted colds?
I can see what people are talking about with the font stuff etc. though it does indeed appear only to work with IE. Possbert says it doesn't work with Mozilla and my tests with Opera haven't showed up all this funky stuff. Heh! I say. I can do html without any silly buttons.
Being single seems to be a bit like having exams coming up. Actually being at my home at the weekends has allowed me to catch up on sorting out my study and tidying up my place. Whether this continues I don't know, but I won't have any excuses if it doesn't.
Provided I can tear myself away from my new ADSL connection that is. :)
For reasons known only to the scheduling computer, all the units which I am recording, or turning up to say 'Hi' at in the first week are either at 8:30am or 9:30am. I am not a morning person. Still, valiantly (especially with this cold - you can hear me coughing a fair way off) I have gotten up at 7am every day so far this week and struggled into work at 8:15am. There is talk of rescheduling some of the 8:30 ones to 9:30 for future weeks and I hope that's so, but it's actually quite nice coming home while it's still light.
Busy week to come, got the observatory volunteer's 'thank you' and windup night on tomorrow, then the Genghiscon quiz night on thursday - Yes Poss, I am coming.
Oh well, back to getting these lecture notes updated for the students.