Saturday, September 27, 2003

The addiction struck

Well, so much for that idea. Intended to play Galactic Civilisations but the siren song of Distributed Proofreaders sucked me in and I found myself proofreading copyright renewals and the grammar of english grammar's (pt 2) which is a tome which was in total 1100+ pages, of large size, in small font. Thankfully the pages were scanned well and you can zoom in quite well.

Oh dear ... I think I'm going to do another page.

On the bright side, I'm still feeling well. I wasn't sure if the tiredness was going to kick in midafternoon, but I seem to be holding out, mind you I haven't exactly been exerting myself. Looking forward to spinach & ricotta lasagne for dinner.

(Oh and Lily, my topic link seems fine ... sometimes quicktopic gets a little glitchy ... try again.)


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