Friday, November 07, 2003


Well, poor Pamela, the weather has suddenly decided it is summer after all. A warm day with a warmer weekend to follow. Must remember swimming togs for spa-ing.

Workload, well, I seem to be getting on top of it. Though I couldn't make it to the student's presentations, just too much time out of a busy day.

Off to Simon's tonight to see some movies with the gang, the common theme of which appears to be giant imaginary rabbits (name those movies! - MSMers sssshhh)

After being so good wednesday and yesterday and riding in to work I just ran out of energy today. Must do better next week.

Saw Matrix:Revolutions on Wednesday night, 10pm screening arghhh...Well, it was better than 2, though you couldn't watch 3 without seeing 2 obviously. The perils of making one long movie and releasing it in two parts.
I couldn't find myself caring a huge deal about the characters. Dave mentioned on the unisfa list about it being like Dragonball Z and that was what part of it it brought to my mind, lots of uber people trashing the landscape with lots of power.
I liked the female mortar team though. :) and at least there wasn't a music video bit :)


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