Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Coff Coff

I finally succumbed. I couldn't take it any more and got some cough mixture. Hopefully it will work enough to allow me to get to sleep. While my rises this week are not so early as they were last week I still have relatively early starts and need all the sleep I can get. At least my voice is coming back. I had to jot some of the answers for the quiz night on my phone's jotter app to show D who was writing them down. The next day I had barely a whisper left. Still, getting stronger now.

Thanks Pam, we had a blast at the quiz night, to be honest, winning was quite a suprise, we didn't think we had done that well on the Hensonia. Of course if my head had been clear the answer to the british actor question would have been obvious. Doh.

Working from home today. The urgent stuff is done and I'm going to start on dinner so that the flavours get a chance to mingle.


At 7:42 am, Blogger Possbert said...

Re the British actor question in the Henson round - only 1 table got it right!

And most tables got the question re why native animals are immune to 1080 baiting correct. Impressive.


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