Saturday, September 11, 2004

To-to-ro Totoro!

Ahh, an interesting day. My usual Scottish Gaelic study (Hallo a h-uile duine!) then off to Splanky's for a party where I failed to invest in any lingerie. My scottish training and upbringing makes it hard for me to buy expensive things that I can't see me getting any use out of. And I'm not sure what I'd wear hot pink under.

Then it was off to FTI to at least see ONE movie in the Miyazaki Showcase while it was on. (I really wanted to see Laputa again but it seems deliberately scheduled against all my other activities. :( Perhaps I shall just buy the DVD. I think, yep, it and Kiki's Delivery Service are out in October.
I can wait.)

So, in case my subtle use of the title has escaped you, ;) I had a lovely evening watching My Neighbour Totoro. It's been quite some while since I saw this one and I fell in love with it again. If people tell you that anime's just violence and X rated stuff, show them Totoro, heck show them any Miyazaki movie (subtitled for preference provided said people are literate).


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