Monday, October 06, 2003


Well, could be worse. I felt very sleepy this morning, I did not want to rise and shine, but alas, the lure of salaried employment summoned me from my comfy bed.

Mostly webby stuff today, image processing and doing some labs for the energy studies courses here. Wednesday looks like I'm going to be busy taking photos and cycling up and down to the MUERI area to get pictures for a storybook lab for the renewable energy for sustainable development course.

Dull stuff I know. Maybe I should rant more, like some of the other bloggers I know, but I need a runup to rant effectively. I shall therefore make growly noises at tv stations that decide without telling you that this week they're putting on two episodes of a show instead of one thus mucking up your recording schedule.

Ahh well, time to go home (yay!) and maybe think more about a filk I seem to be collaborating on.


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