Sunday, October 12, 2003

Sunday, sunday!!

Well, in my first Sunday spent at home in quite a while I had a nice lie in and then spent the rest of the day trying to wrestle my financial records into shape. More or less there but must remember to buy a hole punch so that I can put some of the records away properly. Also have to try and work out how to do depreciation.

I have just noticed that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is on TV tonight so I think I'd better start dinner so I've got plenty of time to settle in before the movie (Yeah, Andrew has got it on DVD but I don't have a DVD player except on the computer and there's always competition for the TV at his place, not to mention a backlog of taped stuff we're trying to catch up on)

Well, now to carefully pick my way over the piles of paper. I hope to get my taxes done sometime over the next week


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