Happy happy
My parents dropped off my new filing cabinet (thank you! thank you!), Andrew is back from Darwin/Adelaide and I just had a fun time at the Gengiscon quiz night. (Hi Pamela...yeah yeah...well, I got a consolation purple bandana....Mmm Purple)
All is pretty good. :)
Andrew was going to be back on Friday, but hey everything was packed up and he didn't see the point in hanging around another day so he's back home, and glad to be. Did mean I was at the quiz night so couldn't meet him at the airport, but ah well, he had plenty of family to meet him. Though as it turns out his plane was a little on the late side. If he wasn't an astronomer he'd be thinking he was up late. :)
Finally finished my postproofing of my first project for Distributed Proofreaders, and, glutton for punishment that I am, have downloaded another one ;) A 1921 thriller. Looks kinda interesting.
As the end of the semester approaches I'm thinking about panicking about the amount I still have left to do, but ah..who has the time? I'm ahead on my 'recording' stuff this week so I've got all tomorrow clear. (was going to go to some student seminars but boss says lecture notes and labs are my priority. Fair enough) At least I don't have to worry tomorrow about crashing the audio software.
Was thinking about going to Dave's Halloween party, but I think with Andrew just back we'd both prefer a nice quiet night in :)